I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with Peter for 15 years . Peter has shared many things over the years that has allowed me to help educate and provide a level of EMF protection for my clients. Peter has been studying and using Radionics for over 30 years and implements this science into his creations. The items I am featuring on the Product page of this website are most difficult to explain. The means by which they are created doesn't fit well into accepted science. I'll start by saying that everything known to man has a rate aka a frequency. It is possible to take an item and download or charge it with frequencies associated with another object.Once the item is charged it will emanate these rates or frequencies in a field around it. Its a form of energy medciine similiar to a Homeopathic. The pendants or house egg are made from a high quality german crystal glass that contains no lead. This glass is ideal for holding a great number of calming/healing frequencies.The person who is exposed to these fields is able to tap into the field and utilize what it needs from it. Some of the rates relate to minerals,enzymes and amino acids to help one absorb them. I like to use the analogy of homeopathy . In this case rather than ingesting the frequency the person absorbs it from the field. The field is also useful in acting as a buffer for the man made EMFs coming from our technologies we are so dependent on. The combination of effects gives an individual the opportunity to cope better with the sometimes stressful environment in which we live. Typical reactions are an overall calmer state while awake and a better quality of sleep.